California: Webinars for dealerships

Introduction to Vehicle Titling and Registration

Part 1 and 2 Webinars

This two-part webinar is a combination of REG 101 and REG 201 which provides the foundational knowledge to elevate your skills to the next level after completing OD 1. Topics include: Names on Documents, Reports of Sale, California Title and so much more.

After completing the OD 1 online course, be sure to sign up for the webinars. Part 1 and 2 webinars are presented in two parts on different days — sign up for both.

Look for instructions in your inbox after completing OD 1 as you'll need a special coupon code to save your seat for these online webinars.

Webinar Topics Covered: Part 1 Part 2

These webinars are only available with the purchase of the OD 1 eLearning Course.





Introduction to Vehicle Titling & Registration

Part 1
1:00 pm
3:30 pm
Click Here to sign up




Introduction to Vehicle Titling & Registration

Part 2
1:00 pm
3:30 pm
Click Here to sign up





Introduction to Vehicle Titling & Registration

Part 1
1:00 pm
3:30 pm
Click Here to sign up




Introduction to Vehicle Titling & Registration

Part 2
1:00 pm
3:30 pm
Click Here to sign up





Introduction to Vehicle Titling & Registration

Part 1
1:00 pm
3:30 pm
Click Here to sign up




Introduction to Vehicle Titling & Registration

Part 2
1:00 pm
3:30 pm
Click Here to sign up

Specialized Titling and Registration

Part 1 and 2 Webinars

DMV can be challenging as certain types of deals require additional paperwork and/or processing. This two-part webinar is designed to give insight into fees, penalties, nonresident vehicles and so much more. You’ll appreciate the full range of topics covered that help you achieve a smooth transfer of ownership for your customers.

After completing the OD 2 online course, be sure to sign up for the webinars. Part 1 and 2 webinars are presented in two parts on different days — sign up for both.

Look for instructions in your inbox after completing OD 2 as you'll need a special coupon code to save your seat for these online webinars.

Webinar Topics Covered: Part 1 Part 2

These webinars are only available with the purchase of the OD 2 eLearning Course.

Check back soon for additional dates and times.

Registration Streamlining for Sales & Finance

F&I Webinars

California F and I book Webinar

Finance and Sales

Virtual F&I training for your dealership

Did the customer sign in all the right boxes? Did they fill out all the forms completely? There’s a special deal — what additional DMV form do you need then? Conducted as a live webinar, F&I training covers it all, helping your dealership reduce errors and minimize overages. Focus is also placed on improving communication between the F&I Team and the Title and Reg Desk to ensure a smooth title and registration process.

Who should attend this webinar?

Sales/Finance Managers and staff

After this course, you will understand:

  • Various DMV forms, including Virtual Reports of Sale, titles, odometer disclosures and how to accurately complete them

  • The DMV’s general policies regarding true full names, signatures and addresses

  • The information provided on the Vehicle Registration Inquiry Report (KSR)

  • Dealership compliance requirements

  • How to rate fees

  • How to avoid penalties

  • The differences between GVWR, GVW and CGW weight ratings and how to document them

  • Clean air vehicle decals

  • Temporary License Plates (Temp Tags)

Price: $50 per person

Minimum attendees of 3 or more. Available throughout the year by appointment.

Instant access to the digital book:
F&I — Registration Streamlining for Sales & Finance


Fundamentals of Recreational Titling & Registration

REG 201M Webinar

California REG 201M Webinar


Rev up those registrations

Riding on a motorcycle. Making waves on a boat. Kicking up dirt in an ATV. A smooth title and registration process to help your customers enjoy their powersports and recreational vehicles. REG 201M covers real-life leisure vehicle transactions, improving your ability to handle any deals you might encounter.

Who is this course for?

Powersports Registration and Title Clerks

After attending this webinar, you will understand:

  • Leisure vehicle categories such as motorcycles, vessels, recreational vehicles and trailers

  • DMV’s general policies and procedures regarding vehicle registration for these kinds of vehicles

  • Forms required to process the most common types of registration and titling transactions

  • California Certificate of Title for transferring vehicle ownership

  • Factors affecting leisure vehicle transfers

  • Information provided on the Vehicle Registration Inquiry Report (KSR)

  • Fees associated with leisure vehicle registration transactions

  • BPA transactions and how to properly complete them for approval

  • Virtual Report of Sale forms and how to complete them

  • Temporary License Plates (Temp Tags)

Price: $75 per person

Instant access to the digital book:
REG 201M — Fundamentals of Recreational Titling & Registration

Order a physical copy of the REG 201M book by clicking here or the Bookstore button at the top of the page. Visit our site again soon for upcoming resources.


DMV Clerk Certification Course

DLR 101

California Dealership 101 Webinar

online training

Build foundational knowledge of DMV paperwork and eFiling

DMV transactions can be complex, raising a barrier for new DMV Clerks who have little to no previous industry experience. Advice and guidance can take your clerks so far, but each deal is different, and the best way to master DMV processes and paperwork is to work in the field. But the question remains: how can your clerk get the comprehensive experience they need to succeed? RMP’s DMV Clerk Certification Course offers real world, hands-on training to address this need and help your new DMV Clerks level up their skills to process new, used and wholesale transactions at your dealership. This immersive 12-week program is taught by RMP staff with in-depth knowledge of DMV paperwork and eFiling. It requires a minimum commitment of 13 hours per week, and it includes live Zoom instruction, online modules, workbook exercises and on-site training.

Who is this course for?

Employees with limited to no DMV Title and Registration training or background

What does this course cover?

  • Week 1 - Welcome to Dealership 101; Orientation

  • Week 2 - General Policies; Vehicle Registration Forms/Titling Procedures Part 1

  • Week 3 - Exam #1; Vehicle Registration Forms/Titling Procedures Parts 2-3

  • Week 4 - Transfer scenarios Parts 1-3

  • Week 5 - Wholesale transfers; Understanding the KSR; DMV Fees

  • Week 6 - Exam #2; Submission of paperwork; DMV File copy review; Errors and resolutions

  • Week 7 through 9 - Prep deals, new/used eFiling, retrieving required documents, error corrections

  • Weeks 10 through 12 - Material review as needed

Price: $5,000.00

Course fee paid in four installments

  • $1,250 down payment

  • $1,250 at start of week three

  • $1,250 at start of week six

  • $1,250 at start of week nine


Navigating Title & Registration Timelines Webinar


CA RMP OD 1 course

online training

Improving efficiency at your dealership

This live webinar will empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the intricacies of title and registration timelines successfully.

In this breezy 45 minute course, we’ll connect the dots at your dealership regarding the effective processes and procedures to ensure timely submission and completion of vehicle titling and registration paperwork once a vehicle is sold.

As a bonus, every registrant will be entered into a special prize raffle.

Get the knowledge you need to succeed — sign up now.

Who is this webinar for?

Sales, Finance, Title Clerks, Business Managers

Price: Complimentary

Topics to be discussed:

  • Compliance with DMV registration timeline requirements

  • Establishing processes and procedures to guarantee that all DMV required vehicle titling paperwork is completed accurately for timely submission

  • Factors affecting vehicle titling and registration prior to a vehicle sale

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OL Licensing and compliance

Occupational Licensing & Dealer Compliance


Occupational Licensing and Dealer Compliance


Stay ahead of the curve with these updates in our robust Summer Seminar

This expert-curated one hour seminar designed for Vitu clients focuses on BPA changes, dealer licensing, and commercial requester accounts. At the end of this seminar, your dealership will have the knowledge and expertise required to remain compliant and continue to operate successfully. Sign up today!

Who is this course for?

Office Managers, Business Managers, Controllers and Title Clerks

Topics Covered:

Commercial Requester Accounts

  • DMV Policy Changes to CRA Information

  • Annual Recertification Requirements

  • Red Flags in Request Logs

Business Partner Automation

  • Updated (EXEC 200X form) Procedure Requirements

  • Renewal Requirements

  • Required Changes to Dealers BPA information

  • Process for Adding/Removing an employee

Vehicle Dealers Occupational License

  • Bonds and Renewal Process Timelines and procedures

Price: $25

Seminar Date:

  • Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Seminar Time:

  • 10:30am - 11:30am

What's included?

  • Instant access to the digital book:
    REG 401 — Occupational Licensing & Dealer Compliance

Click here to view the Table of Contents
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